IBA Screen Element Assets

This section presents IBA screen element assets, including methods, properties, and events.

Each IBA element and frame has its own assets - properties, methods, and events. These are listed in the Assets Panel.

For example, the assets provided for an IBA button element are shown below.

To learn about capturing and managing IBA screen elements, see IBA Elements.

To learn about the elements for standard screen elements, see Screen Element Assets.

The tables below list the methods, properties, and events provided for the IBA elements. Not all assets are available or relevant for all element types: the tables indicate for which types each asset is relevant.




Relevant For

Append Text Add text to the text box at the cursor position. TextBox
Click Click on the element. Button, General, Link
Copy Copy the text in the element to the clipboard. Combobox, General, TextBox
Destroy and Refresh Validate all objects from the selected element downward in the hierarchy. The process destroys any objects that no longer exist.

Button, Checkbox, Combobox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView

Get Caption Return the text on the element. Button
Get Image Save an image of the element to an Advanced Picture Object. Checkbox, Combobox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton

, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView

Get Node Text Return the text on the node specified by index using OCR. TreeView
Get Selected Node Text Return the text on the selected node using OCR. TreeView

Get Picture

Save an image of the element to an Advanced Picture Object. Button Checkbox
Get Selected Rectangle Return the rectangle of the selected item as a Screen Element Rectangle type that specifies the size and location of a rectangle on the screen. Listbox
Get Selected Text Return the text of the selected item, identified using OCR. Listbox
Get Tab Image Return an image of the tab specified by index as an Advanced Picture Object. TabBar
Get Tab Text Return the text on the tab specified by index, read using OCR. TabBar
Get Text Return the text on the element. Checkbox, Combobox, General, Link, RadioButton, TextBox
Mouse Action Simulate a mouse action, such as a click, on the control. From the Action dropdown list, select the type of action to emulate. From the Parameter dropdown list, specify where to perform the mouse action on the general control. If you use X and Y offsets to specify where to perform the mouse action, use the Offset field to define the applicable values. General, Listbox
Paste Paste text from the clipboard into the element. Combobox, General, TextBox

Perform a specified action using the scrollbar. Actions include:

Bottom, Page Down, Page Up, Scroll Down, Scroll Up, Top

General, ScrollBar


Select Item Select an item by text. Combobox, Listbox
Select Item by Index Select an item by its index number in the list. Combobox, Listbox
Select Node by Text Select a node by specifying its text. TreeView
Select Node by Index Select a node by specifying its index. TreeView
Select Tab Select a tab by specifying the text on the tab. Text is recognized using OCR. TabText
Select Tab by Index Select a tab by specifying its index. TabText
Send Keys   General, TextBox
Set Text Set the text in the text box. TextBox
Set Text Extended

Delete any existing text and then inserts text in to the text box. Use the text parameter to specify the text you want to insert, and the deleteTextType to specify the method for deleting existing text:

0: {CTRL}a{DEL}








Relevant For

Act as Anchor Boolean Read-only Indicates if the element is used as an anchor. Button, Checkbox, Combobox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Appears On Mouse Over Boolean Ready-Only Indicates if the element only displays when the mouse hovers over the space it occupies (True), or whether it is always visible (False). ScrollBar
Button Left Position Boolean Read-Only Position of the combo box button (drop-down arrow). False: The button is to the right of the combo box. True: The button is to the left of the combo box. Checkbox
Calculate Histogram Boolean Read-only Returns True if identification is based on color distribution. Button, Checkbox, Checkbox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Check Mark Left Position Number Read-only Defines whether the checkbox is selected by default. Checkbox, RadioButton
Checked Boolean Read/Write Indicates whether the checkbox is checked or not. Checkbox, RadioButton
Contour Type Text Read-only Indicates whether the shape is Shape Recognized or Owner Drawn. Button, Checkbox, Checkbox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Control Type Text Read-only Type of control. Button, Checkbox, Checkbox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Dark Thumb Boolean Read-Only Indicates whether the scrollbar handle is darker than the scrollbar track (True) or lighter (False) ScrollBar
Enabled Boolean Read-only The initial state of the control. True if the control is enabled in its initial state, or False if the control is disabled in its initial state. Button
Exists Boolean Read-only True if the element currently exists or False if it doesn't. Button, Checkbox, Checkbox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Has Button Boolean Read-Only True if the shape of the element includes a button. Combobox
Has Icon Boolean Read-Only True if each element has an icon. TreeView
Has Scroll Popup Menu Boolean Read-Only Indicates whether the scrollbar has a right-click menu (True) or not (False). ScrollBar
Has Selection Background Boolean Read-Only Indicates if the selected tab has a colored background (True) or not (False).  
Is Editable Boolean Read-Only

True if you can type directly into the combobox to jump to a value, False if you can't.

Minimum Perimeter of Selection Number Read-Only The minimum size of the perimeter for the shape. Listbox
Multiline Boolean Read-Only Indicates if the control supports multi-line entry TextBox
Name Text Read-only Name of the control. Button, Checkbox, Checkbox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Path Text Read-only Position in the captured frame. This is an internal value used for advanced debugging. Button, Checkbox, Checkbox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Process Id Number Read-only   Button, Checkbox, Checkbox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Rectangle Number Read-only The shape boundaries. Button, Checkbox, Checkbox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Relation Text Read-only The anchor used for identification of the element. Button, Checkbox, Checkbox, General, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Right to Left Boolean Read-Only True if text direction is from right to left. TreeView
Rows Number Read-Only The number of rows of tabs in the tab bar. TabBar
Same Size Boolean Read-Only Indicates if the tabs have the same width (True) or not (False). TabBar
Selected Index Number Read-Only The index of the selected tab. TabBar
Scroll Method Text Read-Only Indicates whether element scrolls by Line or by Page. Combobox, Listbox
Scrolling Type Text Read-Only Indicates whether the scrollbar is Vertical or Horizontal. ScrollBar
Shape Threshold Decimal Read-only The recognition threshold for the anchor. Button, Checkbox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Suppress Background Boolean Read-Only True if only the text was captured. False if the text and its background were captured. TreeView
Tabs Count Number Read-Only The number of tabs in the tab bar. TabBar
Use Events Boolean Read/Write Specify whether the solution should monitor the control for events (True) or not (False). Button, Checkbox, Combobox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Use Parent Shape Boolean Read-only The parent shape is searched instead of the entire frame. Button, Checkbox, Combobox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Window Handle Number Read-only   Button, Checkbox, Combobox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView




Relevant For

Checked The element was checked. Checkbox, RadioButton
Clicked The element was clicked. Button, Link
Created The element was created. Button, Checkbox, Combobox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Destroyed The element was destroyed. Button, Checkbox, Combobox, General, Link, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollBar, TabBar, TextBox, TreeView
Unchecked The element was unchecked. Checkbox, RadioButton
Item Selected An item was selected from a list. Combobox, Listbox
Mouse Clicked A left-click was performed on the element. General
Node Selected A node in the tree view was selected. TreeView
Tab Selected A tab in the tab bar was selected. TabBar
Text Changed The text in the element changed TextBox