Generic HTML Browser

(Available from version 7.2 onwards.)

The Generic HTML Browser Library provides functions and events for controlling and monitoring tabs in web browsers other than Internet Explorer, including Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.  

Note the following limitations on support for Microsoft Edge:

  • Only available if using NICE Real-Time Client 7.3 or higher.

  • Only versions of Microsoft Edge based on Chromium are supported. Previous versions of Edge that were based on other technologies are not supported.

The Internet Explorer built-in service provides similar functionality for Internet Explorer.

Instances of only one browser (e.g. only Chrome, Firefox, or Edge) should be open when using these functions to avoid unpredictable behavior.

From version 7.6, support was added to work with these browsers in parallel (that is, with multiple browsers of different types open simultaneously).

If multiple instances of a browser are open, each with one or more tabs open, the Generic HTML Browser functions will treat all open tabs as if they were open in the same, single instance of the browser. In general:

  • Where a function relates to the active tab, it will relate to the active tab in the instance of the browser that was activated most recently.

  • Where a function relates to tabs by ID, it will relate to the tabs irrespective of which instance of the browser they are open in as the tab IDs are unique across instances.


To enable the functions in this library to work, the relevant connector extension must be installed and activated for the relevant browser.

You must also ensure that your project includes a screen element captured from either a Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser, so that an rti_nativehost screen element will be listed under Screen Elements in the Assets Panel. It does not matter what screen element you capture from either browser.


The Generic HTML Browser Entity has the following property:




Browser Name


The name of the browser to which to apply the generic browser methods


The following functions are available from version 7.2 and above:

The following functions are available from version 7.6 and above:

The following function is available from version 7.9 and above:

The following function is available for version 7.5 and below:
