Fundamental Feature Tutorials
The video tutorials below cover everything you need to know to build powerful automation solutions in Automation Studio. Each video explains how to use one Automation Studio feature.
If you are a new user, consider watching the Getting Started with Automation Studio series first.
These videos demonstrate the end-to-end development process, so we recommend that you watch the videos in the order presented.
We recommend that you have Automation Studio open while watching the videos so that you can follow the process hands-on. If you don't yet have access to Automation Studio, watch the videos now and refer back to them as necessary later on when you get access.
If you have access to Automation Studio, download the project files for the sample scenario and open them in Automation Studio. Click here to download the project files, unzip them, and copy them to %AppData%/Nice_Systems/AutomationStudio/Projects. For Automation Studio installation instructions, see here.
This video introduces Automation Studio and explains the concept of building an automation using workflows.
All the videos in this Getting Started Guide are based on the Distance2 sample scenario.
The two videos below describe the scenario.
A project contains one or more workflows. A workflow can run on its own or can call other workflows, but only one workflow can run at any time. Before you delete a workflow that is referenced by other workflows, you must delete those references.
Watch the following video to learn about projects, workflows, and steps.
This video covers the basics of the asset tree in Automation Studio.
This video demonstrates how to create simple variables in Automation Studio. Specifically, it shows how to create a variable to store a decimal number.
This video covers the basics of multiple workflows. Workflows can call sub-workflows, for example, to perform repeating calculations. Custom Instance variables are global.
This video shows how to use variables with several workflows. Use variables to pass data in a workflow and between workflows. This video is based on the Distance2 project.
What's Next?
After completing this series, consider continuing on to the resources below:
Sample Projects A library of real-life automation scenarios with demonstrations of the end-to-end development process for each scenario
Build Solutions: Comprehensive guides to the use and implementation of all features and functionality offered by Automation Studio
You can access our Help Center at any time from the button in top bar of Automation Studio.